Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lunch Box: Chicken Cheddar Quinoa Bites

A few weeks ago, I made these quinoa cakes for dinner. Now, I never intentionally prepare foods that I think my picky 5-year-old won't like, but I try not to only prepare things I know he likes either. I try to push him a bit. So, I was pleasantly surprised when he announced that he didn't just like the quinoa cakes; he loved them! This is the highest honor he can bestow on a dish, so I knew I'd be making more quinoa (the men in Heather's house all hate it; go figure). It's high in protein (and gluten-free if that's important for you), so I'm happy to work it into our diet. Last week I made these quinoa-based veggie burgers and they were a hit, too.

So when I saw this recipe for pizza quinoa bites, I had to make them for his lunch box. He devoured about half a dozen before I could get them in the freezer for lunches and asked for them every day that week. I did substitute turkey pepperoni, but I still wanted something a little healthier, preferably with some vegetables, so I started looking for a way to modify the recipe. A quick search of Pinterest turned up some yummy recipe ideas (buffalo quinoa bites, cinnamon apple quinoa bites) but nothing that seemed quite right.

I talked with him some about what he might like, and after some baffling discussion of why raw bell pepper is good but cooked bell pepper is evil and disgusting, how cooked carrot can be too mushy and raw carrot too crunchy, and so on, we decided on chicken, cheese and peas. I've always felt a little guilty about giving my boys green peas so often, since they're a starchy vegetable and higher in sugar than other green vegetables, but then I read an article about the beneficial nutrients they do have, and that they have a low glycemic index, so my guilt is somewhat assuaged. And they love them. I happen to think these could use a little diced bell pepper, too, so if your people don't have the same quirky bell pepper rules mine does, you might give that a try. 

These came together really quickly, especially since I already had cooked quinoa and some leftover shredded chicken in the freezer that I just had to thaw. Quinoa freezes well, so I just cook up the whole box any time I use it and freeze the rest. 

Have your assistant (mine is five and says, 'Can I help?' any time cooking supplies come out) mix everything up and help you press the mixture into mini muffin tins. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350, then cool on a rack and enjoy and/or freeze. This made a huge batch of 72, so there will be plenty left over. 

Most of the things I cook ahead for lunches I make in muffin or mini-muffin tins. It makes prep easier and then everything is neatly portioned and easy to freeze and throw in lunch boxes. A couple years ago I bought some silicone muffin tins (affiliate link) and good grief do I love them! I haven't thrown my old ones away because most were my grandmother's and are too old and pretty, but they don't get used unless I'm making cupcakes and using liners. If you don't already have some, fix that! 

Chicken Cheddar Quinoa Bites 
3 cups cooked quinoa 
2 cups cooked shredded chicken 
1 1/2 cups frozen green peas, thawed 
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 
3 eggs 
1 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp hot sauce 

Preheat oven to 350. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Divide mixture into mini muffin tins and gently press down. Bake 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned on top. Makes 72 quinoa bites.


  1. What a great way to use quinoa. Quinoa is new to me, just started using it this winter, and so far, have been using it in salads. I've wanted to try it in other ways, and this looks very interesting. My family had no aversion to bell peppers, although I have one to peas, so might try by subbing one for the other. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Making these today for the 16 month old I look after. Can't wait to see how they turn out. Thank you for the idea😊
