Thursday, October 22, 2015

Apple Sausage Quiche

So, I'm finally done with the didactic portion of PA school, meaning I'm not stuck in class 8 a.m. to 5 p.m five days a week. I'm on rotations now, which is so different from classwork and a lot of fun. My first rotation was in the Emergency Room, and this rotation I'm working in the pediatric intensive care unit, the PICU. I love working with patients and learning from the other healthcare providers. I've already seen so much and am learning more every day. 

Having this time on rotations has allowed me to reflect on what helped me be successful taking care of myself and my family during the last year, which was incredibly hectic and stressful. We would be in class all day and then have to prepare for two or three exams a week. Of course, having a supportive husband and great friends to rely on helped tremendously, but I still did most of the meal planning and cooking, along with quite a bit of the grocery shopping and cleaning. At least I think I did my fair share, you'll have to ask my husband if he agrees. (I know I was cranky a bit more than usual too.)

There wasn't a lot of time for cooking, or writing, or relaxing really. I spent virtually all of my time in class, studying, or trying to spend quality time with my husband and boys.

Part of my strategy to get through the term with a little bit of sanity was to fill my freezer with meals during our one week break between Summer and Fall semesters. I made some items for lunch - beef and pork for sandwiches or salad toppings, some dinners, including several pork tenderloins, some pork chops, chicken legs and beef for the crock pot, and even a few breakfasts.

The recipe I'm sharing today was a lifesaver on many a rushed morning last year. Overall, I think this breakfast was my favorite of that cooking frenzy, even though it was a little more labor intensive than the crock pot recipes.

These little quiches freeze and reheat well, and are so delicious and filling. Often Gabriel and I would share a couple before driving to school. Or, if I wanted to make my classmates jealous, I'd bring a couple to heat up during break. So many people asked for the recipe, I had to share.

This recipe is very slightly adapted from the Gluten Free Dairy Free Apple Sausage Quiche recipe at Once A Month Meals. By very slightly adapted, I mean I used real cheddar cheese, so it's not dairy free. Seriously, that's the only change I made.  I love the mix of sweet apples and savory sausage, and the potato crust gives a little bit of starch and holds everything together really well.

Since I have to be in the hospital super early now, I'm going to make some more this weekend,  as well as try out a couple of variations, such as one with all veggies, maybe some chicken sausage, and perhaps one with bacon. Who doesn't like bacon, right?

Apple Sausage Quiche

1 large potato, grated
2 shallots, grated and divided
1 egg white
1/2 pound bulk breakfast sausage
1 apple, peeled and diced
1/2 cup roasted bell peppers, diced
1 tablespoon maple syrup
3 large eggs, beaten
1/2 cup shredded gluten and dairy free cheese substitute, optional
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste

Heat oven to 400 degrees.

Make the crusts
Combine potato, egg white and half of shallots.  Dividing potatoes, press into 8 oiled muffin tins. Bake for about 10 minutes, until edges are brown.

Make the filling
Cook sausage over medium, breaking it up as you cook it. Add the apple and remaining shallots, cooking until apples are tender but not falling apart, then mix in maple syrup. Divide sausage mixture into potato crusts and spread out evenly. Sprinkle cheese over filling.

Beat eggs with salt and pepper to taste. Carefully pour eggs over filling. (There's not a lot of room for the egg, so pour it in slowly. It seems like they're too full, but it'll still work!) Bake until eggs are set, about 15 minutes.

Serves 4 (2 quiches per serving)

To Freeze:
Allow to cool. Divide and place into indicated number of freezer bags. To serve: Thaw and heat in the microwave until warmed through.


  1. Looks yummy! Thanks for sharing on the Healthy Living Link Party.

  2. I love grab and go breakfasts! These look delicious. Thanks for sharing on the healthy living link party!

    1. It's so nice to have a hot breakfast when I'm walking out the door in the morning! Thanks!
