Monday, November 16, 2015

Skinny Raspberry Rum Spritzer

I had a long day in the ICU today. I performed CPR, attended rounds, worked with a fellow student to examine and write up two patients, and dealt with a second-year resident who (I think anyway) didn't really mean to be as rude as he was. All.DAY.LONG.

So, tonight I wanted a treat, a tropical drink, to be exact. I know it's November, time for spiked hot cocoa and apple cider drinks, which are yummy, but a bit too heavy for me tonight. I wanted something light and fruity and um ... low calorie.

There, I said it. I'm fat. Well, I didn't actually say that, but it's true. I'm fatter than I'd like to be, aren't we all? So, I could lose some weight, or, at least, not gain any weight. That's an OK goal, right? But, it's coming up on the holidays, which is a notorious time for gaining weight, what with all the parties and family feasts. So I've been experimenting with fun cocktails that aren't so full of calories that I'll bust out of my party pants before the new year.

Want to know the secret? Double-strength Crystal Light. Seriously. I love Crystal Light, even the Fruit Punch and Concord Grape flavors that remind me of being 6 years old. Did you know there are more grown up flavors too? Strawberry Kiwi, Black Cherry Lime, and Raspberry Ice are a few we've tried. This drink features Raspberry Ice.

And rum.

Don't forget the rum. Mine is from the Dominican Republic, and it's delicious.

Anyway, back to the key, make the Crystal Light with two packages to a pitcher. It's too strong to drink straight, but once you dilute it with ice and seltzer, and the requisite rum, it's perfect. Don't forget the squeeze of lime for just the right touch of tropics.

Oh, and if you really want to be a serious dieter, of the low-carb variety, switch out the rum for vodka. I tried that too; it's also good.

I have to say, it was a real sacrifice researching for this post.

I promise. It wasn't fun at all.

Maybe just a little bit fun.

Well, a lot. And it was yummy. Yummy and fruity and like the vacation I haven't had in a really long time.

I may have to create a few more. For your benefit of course, not mine. I promise.

Skinny Raspberry Rum Spritzer

1 oz rum (or vodka for a no carb version)
4 oz double-strength Raspberry Ice Crystal Light
1 oz seltzer water
1 lime wedge

Mix the rum, Raspberry Ice Crystal Light and seltzer over ice, squeeze in the wedge of lime.

Serves 1.