Sunday, January 24, 2016

Diet Bet Week 3 Done - Almost there

Another week closer to the end of my January Jumpstart DietBet. There's only four days left, actually, so I'm really close. Then we have two days to submit our final weight. Last week I posted that I'd made my goal and more. Remember that? I think I was at 175.4 pounds, which is an 8 pound loss for me. But, I got a little cocky and started snacking at night and ... I'm at 177.4 pounds.

Uh oh

My goal weight is 176.1 pounds. If I'm heavier than that, I lose my $35.

So, I got off my ass and went for a run today. Yes, for the first time in about a year and a half I actually ran (and walked) for two miles. It was a or eye opening to look at my Runkeeper log and remember that I'd been running six miles in June 2014. Today it was a struggle to make it two miles. But, hey, it was two miles. I can get back to that distance with some work.

And, for the first time in a very long time I made my FitBit goal of 10,000 steps.

DietBet Week 3 - I finally took more than 10,000 steps in one day.

I wanted to sit down in Costco when my FitBit started vibrating and let people carry me the rest of the day. Isn't that how it works?

I admit it, even though I tell my patients to get 10,000 steps, I usually don't. I do add the caveat that I know it's hard, but I still advise them to do it. I think some of them listen; it's about time I started listening to myself these days.

One thing I did accomplish this week was getting more "active minutes" on my FitBit. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all clocked in with more than 30 active minutes each. Although Wednesday the FitBit didn't actually log it. I was walking and walking in the house, but it wouldn't budge past 21 minutes. I think there's a glitch because I was active about double that. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I wasn't nearly as active, but four days is pretty good. Not ideal, but pretty good.

OK, total honesty, here, another reason I didn't lose any weight is that I found a bag of candy in the freezer at the office. Did you know that four of those Hershey's Nuggets is 200 calories? That's right. And six of them is 300 calories. And, whether I eat four or six, I still want more. I have to stop dipping into the stash and taking a few at a time. I gobble them up and want more. And the calories add up very quickly.

So, my goal for this week is to not lose $35. I'm pretty close, and I know I have lost some weight. It's just a matter of keeping it off - and not just until the weigh-in! This week I'm going back to no nighttime snacking, no chips with lunch, and no more candy in my coat pocket. I'm also going to try to get two more runs in this week. I think that will help me get there. As long as I can walk afterwards.

What are you doing to meet your goal this week?

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