Sunday, February 7, 2016

Diet Bet Week 4 - Done! And Starting Again.

I did it! I achieved my weight loss goal with 0.1 pound to spare. My final weight out, as it is called, was 176.0 pounds. I actually was down to 175.8 the morning before, but we were not allowed to weigh in until the game was done.

I was a little worried actually, because I was close to my goal and we went out to fondue the last night of the challenge. Yes I consumed about 1400 calories worth of melted cheese, bread, steak, chicken, and lots and lots of chocolate. And I still made my goal weight. I'm very happy about that.

Even though fondu is a big splurge, I was careful to not have any alcohol and to drink a lot of water. I know that most restaurant food has a lot of salt which makes me weigh more the next day. So I was careful to drink a lot of water to help flush that out.

It worked, and I was under my goal weight the next morning. Just goes to show that one splurge won't cause you to gain a lot of weight. It has to be a systematic increase of calories happening over a long period of time.

So since we done so well, we figured we would take a week off and then join another DietBet. But two days into our week off both Carole and I had had enough of eating whatever we wanted and we are ready to go at it again.

We were waiting for our final payout from the January Jumpstart DietBet so we could roll over our earnings to another bet. Monday afternoon I received the email with the official pay out – $40.68. Yep, you read that right. We made a whopping $5.68 on the bet. Not exactly doubling our money, but hey, it's more than I would have made with that money in the bank for a month. So I'm happy. And, the low payout means that most of the participants also made their goals, which really is a good thing.

We decided to move our winnings and fat butts over to the Mission Slim-Possible with Jen Widerstrom game. Same deal - lose 4% of your initial weight in four weeks. The bet is only $30 this time, but it was a large game, with more than 4,000 players, so hopefully we'll have a chance to win a good amount of money this month.

After three days of splurging, I was sick of eating, but had put on a few pounds. :-( My initial weigh-in was 179.4 - and that was weighing in first thing in the morning. It's amazing how much my weight can fluctuate over a few days. I wasn't trying to "sandbag" by putting on weight, it's just how much I was the morning I got the weigh-in word - legumes - in case you're wondering. My goal for the end of the month is 172.2 So I have to lose 7.2 pounds to make my goal. I would really like to be down to 170 by the end of the month.

I'm starting a new rotation this week - OB/Gyn. It'll have a different schedule that includes two days a week in surgery. That means two days a week of standing instead of sitting and two days a week with limited time to snack. You can't have Doritos when you're scrubbed in and sterile. I'm hoping that will help with weight loss. And, I intend to do at least two serious workouts a week, not just trying to get in enough steps by making extra trips when putting away laundry. We'll see how it goes! 

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