Sunday, March 20, 2016

DietBet Week 11 - Mid-way through my third bet!

I'm back. I haven't given up on trying to lose weight, I just didn't have a lot of time to post about it during my last rotation.

I just read my last weight loss post, and it seems like a long time ago. Let me catch you up:

I was in my second DietBet. The bet was $30, and my goal weight was 172.2 pounds. If you recall, I was feeling pretty confident that I would make that goal. In fact, I'd written that I wanted to be down to 170 pounds by the end of the month. Uh, yeah, no problem, right?


I really struggled. I was using My Fitness Pal to track calories and FitBit to track my steps. Even though I was being pretty strict with calories and getting a lot of steps, three weeks into the bet I had only lost 2 pounds. I was actually panicking. I was certain I was going to lose my money and have to tell you all that I'd failed. Oh, and I'd still be in my fat pants, which were actually my every day pants. :-(

So, I texted my sister, asking what to do. I thought maybe I should go on a "cleanse" and only eat fruit or something. She texted back that it would be better to go "low carb" for a week. I was a little skeptical, because I'd always disparaged low carb diets as unhealthy, but I had a week to lose five pounds, so I did it.

Guess what?

It worked!

Yep, I lost five pounds and made my goal weight exactly - 172.2 pounds! I lost 7.2 pounds, for a total of 11.2 pounds since the beginning of the year. This time I won more money too - $14.15. That's a total of almost $20 profit just for losing weight. I'm pretty happy about that.

Initial weigh-in 183.4 lbs Second weigh-in at 179.4 Second weigh-out at 172.2

Looking at these photos, I do think I look a bit thinner. Nothing dramatic, but it's getting there.

I decided to continue with another transformer DietBet. I had to wait for my bet payout to weigh in again, which of course means I couldn't use the same weight and photo as I'd used for the weigh-out. Oh, and I'm not posting the weigh-in photo for the third bet. EVER. My 4-year old took it for me as he was the only one awake that early. Let's just say that the angle is less than flattering.

I was honest and weighed in first thing in the morning, but I was still a little bit heavier - 174.2. I have to lose 4%, which will take me down to 167.2 pounds. As of today, I'm at 170.4. So, I have a bit of work to do in the next nine days.

I'm sticking with the low-carb diet plan. I actually like it. I'm usually not hungry, and I actually feel good. Much better than I do when I load up on carbs. In fact, last week the office had a going away luncheon for me, and it was mostly pastries with some fried rice and croquettes, plus a delicious cake. Even though it was not on the diet, I ate all of it. It was sooooo delicious. But, an hour later I was ready to crash. That afternoon I took a two-hour nap! I just cannot handle that sugar high/crash cycle anymore.

One other good thing, I basically took the last week off and ate a fair amount of carbs - popcorn at the movies on Sunday, a few cookies, that carb-laden meal on Tuesday, etc. etc. And, even though I did that, I didn't put any weight on. I haven't lost any this past week, but I haven't gained either. So, it really is weight loss, not just water weight or something that will suddenly come back if I start eating carbs again. And, getting back to low-carb today, hopefully it'll jump-start my metabolism and the last 3.2 pounds will come off by my deadline of March 29.


  1. Heather. Admire your courage to be honest about your challenge. Wishing you the very best on your journey to improved health and well-being. Visiting from Turn it Up Tues. Please check out my new "color" blog. Perhaps the colors of this month will help you.Nancy Andres @

    1. Thanks for reading Nancy. I'm sharing to keep myself accountable, get support like yours, and maybe inspire some others to make healthy changes. :-)
