Monday, July 25, 2016

Blueberry Watermelon Daiquiris

A friend lives next door to a blueberry farmer. He started the farm a few years ago, and I got really spoiled having access to fresh, huge, sweet blueberries for $5 a pound. After two years of home delivery, the farm was getting more successful and the price went up to $6 a pound - still a great deal. But then, last year, I didn't get a text when the berries were ready. By the time I tracked them down at the local hairdressing spot (the farmer and store owner are dating), they were all gone. This year was the same, I didn't even see the sign advertising them.

That's a problem.

You see, my family has become addicted to those huge, juicy blue bombs of flavor.

Sweet, sweet blue bombs of flavor.

Not available again this year.

Boo hoo.

Of course I'm happy for the farmer and his success. Of course I am happy his farm and business have grown. But, I'm sad too. I want my berries!

On a happy note, I've joined a fabulous co-op that provides me with plenty of fresh fruit and veggies, including some unique items like yellow watermelon.

Yep, yellow.

It tastes pretty much like red watermelon, but looks bring and sunny.

I decided to combine my love of blueberries (frozen this time) with the juicy yellow watermelon. I whirred them together and added a magic ingredient: 20-year old rum. Yep, I made daiquiris for homemade happy hour. It was a spur of the moment idea, and it came out really great.

What's your favorite summer cocktail?

Blueberry Watermelon Daiquiris

1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup watermelon chunks
2 oz rum

Combine in blender and puree. Serve in two glasses, garnished with a wedge of watermelon and topped with whipped cream.

Serves 2


  1. Those sound amazing!! I have never seen the yello watermelons at my store. I'm jealous.

    1. I've never seen it in the store either. Our co-op gets some pretty cool odd items.

  2. How fun these drinks look - love that deliciously enticing blue color, YUM!! Just stopping by from #FoodieFriDIY to do a little sharing - cheers! :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by! They were delicious, and since I had rum in them, I didn't feel guilty about not sharing with my boys. Hahaha!
